Asian Petrochem chiefs meet at Royal Cliff


At the Asia Petrochemical Industry Conference 2014 held at PEACH recently, Antonello Passa (4th right), General Manager of the Royal Cliff Hotels Group and PEACH, presented the Tree Planting Certificate to (l-r) Akbar MD Thayoob, President of the Malaysian Petrochemicals Association (MPA), Shri Kamal Nanavaty, Vice President of the Chemicals & Petrochemicals Manufacturers’ Association of India (CPMA), Preston W. Chen, Chairman of the Petrochemical Industry Association of Taiwan (PIAT), Bang Han-hong, Chairman of Korea Petrochemical Industry Association (KPIA), Tay Kin Bee, Chairman of the Singapore Chemical Industry Council (SCIC) and a representative of the Japan Petrochemical Industry Association (JPCA).