Big C to debut kiosk service for hearing impaired


Amnaj Penpong (3rd left), Director of Human Resources, Big C Supercenter PCL, and Korkit Danchaivichit (3rd right), NBTC Deputy Secretary General – Telecommunication at the NBTC Office, declared their cooperation to provide Touch-type Read and Spell (TTRS) kiosk service to people with hearing disabilities, making Big C the first and only retailer in Thailand that offers such service. The company plans to set up TTRS kiosks in 27 Big C stores nationwide by this year, starting at Big C Rajadamri.  (L to R) Nisarat Kayasith, Director of the Universal Service Obligation Office, NBTC Office, Warunee Kitjaroenpoonsin, Director of Corporate Affairs, Big C Supercenter PCL, Amnaj Penpong, Director of Human Resources, Big C Supercenter PCL, Prof. Dr. Viriya Namsiripongpan, President of Universal Foundation for Persons with Disabilities, Korkit Danchaivichit, NBTC Deputy Secretary General – Telecommunication at NBTC Office, Wassana Theeratham, Store General Manager, Big C Rajadamri, and Wares Borvonsin, Director of the Universal Service Obligation Office, NBTC Office.