National broadcast commission holds meeting at Royal Cliff


The NBTC Commission held a series of meetings at the Royal Cliff Hotels Group recently. GM Christoph Voegeli (centre) was on hand to welcome NTC’s Committee Chairman and NBTC Deputy Chairman, Col. Settapong Malisuwan, Ph.D. (2nd right), NBTC’s commissioner, Dr. Suthiphon Thaveechaiyagarn (right), NBTC’s Commissioner, Assoc. Prof. Prasert Silphiphat (2nd left) and NBTC Secretary General, Takorn Tantasith at the Royal Summit Chamber B, Royal Cliff Beach Hotel.

The NBTC Commission held a series of meetings at the Royal Cliff Hotels Group recently. GM Christoph Voegeli (centre) was on hand to welcome NTC’s Committee Chairman and NBTC Deputy Chairman, Col. Settapong Malisuwan, Ph.D. (2nd right), NBTC’s commissioner, Dr. Suthiphon Thaveechaiyagarn (right), NBTC’s Commissioner, Assoc. Prof. Prasert Silphiphat (2nd left) and NBTC Secretary General, Takorn Tantasith at the Royal Summit Chamber B, Royal Cliff Beach Hotel.