Rotary club presidents inspire members to “Imagine Rotary” in 2022-23

President Chanunda Kongphan (RCDPI) and President Carey Peck RCJP) promise to lead their clubs to implement worthy humanitarian services during the “Imagine Rotary” year.

Every year Rotary clubs around the world install new presidents and board of directors to administer their clubs for the Rotary year commencing on July 1. It is also a time to celebrate and congratulate the outgoing presidents for their leadership, sacrifice and commitment to humanitarian service.

Installation ceremonies can be simple affairs held at the regular weekly meetings of the club or they can be grand affairs, held in restaurants or hotels with visiting Rotarians and guests from all over the district, with some attending from all parts of Thailand, and even Rotarians from far off lands who happen to be visiting Pattaya and the Eastern Seaboard at the time.

This year the Rotary Club of Dolphin Pattaya International and the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya held joint installation ceremonies in the Head of State Chamber at the Royal Cliff Grand Hotel on July 30.

District Governor Pantida Rojwannasin of District 3340 Rotary International officiated at the grand ceremony attended by Rotarians from neighboring clubs including their families, friends and members of the business community. Other dignitaries included, PDG Onanong Siripornmanut, PDG Jareesri Kunsiripunyo and PDG Pratheep S. Malhotra.

President Carey Peck of the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya presents Rotarian Rolf Ruegg with an honorary plaque in recognition of his sacrifice and dedication in helping the children at Anti Human Trafficking & Child Abuse Center throughout the years.

As is tradition, children from the Child Protection & Development Centre under the care of Director Radchada Chomchinda performed 2 traditional dances, one Thai and the second the Australian Swagman’s dance.

The dances were chosen to honour the two incoming presidents, Thai national Chanunda Kongphol of the Rotary Club of Dolphin Pattaya International and Australian national Carey Peck of the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya.

During the evening’s proceedings the Rotary Club of Dolphin Pattaya International inducted 4 new members and the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya inducted 3 new members into their respective clubs.

Rotarian Rolf Ruegg was honoured for his sacrifice and dedication in helping the children at Anti Human Trafficking & Child Abuse Center and President Ray Whitley was thanked for his year as president of the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya.

At the end of the formalities, The Steep 5 band performed everyone’s favourite hits which had everyone jump onto the dance floor to dance the night away.

District Governor Pantida Rojwannasin (3rd right) inducted 4 new members into the Rotary Club of Dolphin Pattaya International.

District Governor Pantida Rojwannasin (2nd left) also inducted new members into the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya.

After the brilliant performances, the two presidents including Charter President Dr. Otmar Deter and Dr. Margret Deter present a donation to Radchada Chomjinda for the education of the children from the Child Protection and Development Center.


President Chanunda Kongphan introduces her board of directors for 2022-23.

Assistant Governor for Zone 5, District 3340 R.I. Dr. Olivier Meyer raises his glass in a toast to Rotary International.

Children from the Child Protection & Development Centre performed 2 brilliant Thai and Australian traditional dances drawing loud applause and praise from the audience.

The Steep 5 Band are endeared not only for their tremendous talent, but more for their benevolence by performing at Rotary and other charity events in Pattaya.

President Steve Rochester of the Rotary Club Eastern Seaboard congratulates President Chanunda Kongphan on being installed as President of the Rotary Club of Dolphin Pattaya International.

Rotarians from clubs in the east and northeast of Thailand attended the gala function bearing friendship and goodwill.