Rotary thanks Dusit Thani for cross bay swim support


Representatives of the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya, headed by Philip Wall Morris, Service Projects Chairman, Brendan Kelly and Ronny Heltne presented a Plaque of Appreciation to Neoh Kean Boon, resident manager and Waran Chalermrithichai, Director of Administration of the Dusit Thani Pattaya in gratitude for the hotel’s kind sponsorship and generous support of the 2011 Rotary Charity Cross Bay Swim recently. Funds raised from this event helped to provide clean drinking water to thousands of children and residents of the outlying communities in Thailand.

Representatives of the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya, headed by Philip Wall Morris, Service Projects Chairman, Brendan Kelly and Ronny Heltne presented a Plaque of Appreciation to Neoh Kean Boon, resident manager and Waran Chalermrithichai, Director of Administration of the Dusit Thani Pattaya in gratitude for the hotel’s kind sponsorship and generous support of the 2011 Rotary Charity Cross Bay Swim recently. Funds raised from this event helped to provide clean drinking water to thousands of children and residents of the outlying communities in Thailand.