Swiss businessmen in Pattaya extend food handouts until mid-June

Olivier Gachoud and Chadaporn Petcharachai hand out food and water to a Pattaya resident.
Olivier Gachoud and Chadaporn Petcharachai hand out food and water to a Pattaya resident.

On Sunday May 31, Olivier Gachoud and Chadaporn Petcharachai, with Swiss business people have been giving out 300 boxes of food to the needy on a daily basis and had intended to do the good deed until the end of May.

But seeing that there is still no end in sight to the suffering of those unemployed and have no income, they decide to extend the food distribution until June 15. Wearing facemasks, washing hands and keeping a distance was strictly observed.

A long line of people advance slowly to the Gachoud house gate to receive a food package.
A long line of people advance slowly to the Gachoud house gate to receive a food package.