Tag: Judith Edmonds
Around the World in 60 Years
Desmond Bishop spoke to the Pattaya City Expats Club meeting on Sunday, June 25. His topic was “Around the World in 60 Years,” but...
PCEC saved by backup plan
It was time for the PCEC’s backup plan when their scheduled speaker had to back out at the last minute because of some injuries...
A resort that’s going to the dogs
A resort that’s going to the dogs was one of the features of the Mirabel Resort included in the owner Remy’s talk to the...
Celebrating the Pii Taa Kon Festival in Loei
“It’s the most purely Thai thing I’ve ever been to,” said Pattaya City Expats Club member Ren Lexander, speaking of the trip that the...
PCEC gains 72 members this past year
Pattaya City Expats Club (PCEC) holds its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the first Sunday in July, which was on July 5 this year....
PCEC members discuss world events
Albert Einstein once said, “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” This...
Building a Family Tree
Did you know that Charlie Chaplin had briefly stayed in a workhouse in England in 1896 at the age of seven? This was one...
Television commercials inspired Beatle’s songs
Television commercials were the inspiration for many of the Beatle’s songs. It seems that the Beatles were too famous to be seen out on...
Driving in Thailand can be hazardous
Driving in Thailand can be hazardous to your health; perhaps you already knew that, but in case you didn’t, this was one of...