Tag: Pattaya City Hall
Just 23 days to go
Pattaya has officially begun counting down the days until Thailand’s general election, keeping the important polls squarely on people’s minds with 90 signboards....
City kicks off Pattaya Grand Sale
The Pattaya Grand Sale gets underway again this month, offering discounts on shopping and accommodations throughout the city. Mayor...
City hall panel balks on proposed beach massage ban
After considering a ban on all massage vendors on Pattaya-area beaches, a city advisory panel stepped back to let legislators write new regulations...
City dumps 37 million baht tourist kiosks instead of fixing them
In January 2010, Baywatch highlighted how Pattaya spent 37 million baht on 74 touch-screen tourist-information kiosks that didn’t work. Instead of fixing the...
Provocative Signboards are harming the image of Pattaya
Apparently there has been a flood of complaints regarding inappropriate signboards around Pattaya. These signboards used to promote bars...
Chonburi enlists teachers to battle human trafficking
Pattaya and Chonburi officials have enlisted 100 area teachers to help them prevent students from becoming victims of human trafficking. ...
Mass bike ride held to promote fitness/green environment
Staff and management of Dusit Thani Pattaya, led by general manager Chatchawal Supachayanont, participated in the Pattaya Midnight Bike ride on Saturday, April...
Pattaya lends helping hand to Japan quake victims
In the aftermath of the quake/tsunami catastrophe which tore into the countryside of northern Japan claiming thousands of lives and causing unimaginable destruction,...
Officials continue work on bar-zoning model plan
Area officials have resumed work on drafting the “Pattaya Model” plan to revise zoning, operating hours and tax systems for entertainment venues. ...