Tag: Rene Pisters
Thai Garden Resort: The only hotel in Pattaya to achieve the...
Rene Pisters, General Manager of the Thai Garden Resort, recently announced the resort has again successfully extended its Travelife Gold Award.
As the only hotel...
Thai Garden Resort fetes general’s birthday
The Thai Garden Resort threw a 73rd birthday party for retired Gen. Boongerd Wadwaree, a friend of the Pattaya hotel owner.
Owner Gerrit Niehaus and...
Little HIV victims of Abundant Life Home vacation at Thai Garden...
Another school holiday has come, which means it was time for another trip to the Thai Garden Resort for kids from the Abundant Life...
Thai Garden Resort hosts Abundant Life orphans
The Thai Garden Resort played host to 32 “orphans” and guardians from Bang Saen’s Abundant Life Home, giving the children a weekend of five-star...
Thai Garden Resort brings ‘Toys for Joy’ to Tungklom-Talman School
After months of fund-raising and shopping, the Thai Garden Resort delivered its “Toys for Joy” to happy children at Tungklom-Talman School. General Manager Rene...
Holiday Inn put smiles back on the GM Gang’s faces
Mixed feelings as the tourism industry struggles to get back on its feet It was the best of times, it was the worst of...
Ministry of Tourism and Sports accredits Thai Garden Resort with four...
On April 30, 2014 the Department of Tourism, Ministry of Tourism and Sports awarded the prestigious four star certificate to the Thai Garden Resort...
Thai Garden Resort delivers donated toys, clothes to Tungkom-Talman School
Students at Tungklom-Talman School received everything from clothes to toys to school supplies during a recent visit by the staff of the Thai Garden...
Skål celebrates Xmas
The Skål Club of Pattaya and East Thailand celebrated the end of a very successful 2013 with a Beach BBQ at the Pinnacle Grand...