Tag: Songkran
Torture is wrong
Dear Editor: On the same day you printed my letter (March 23) about the rat “problem” on Beach Road, there was an article...
Why widen Beach Road?
Editor; I write this to o the people of Pattaya and the persons looking at adding another lane to Beach Road: ...
Re: NHS treatment in UK
Editor; I have just returned to the UK for a holiday and have had to have treatment for a detached retina. I was...
Editor; It is with great sadness I have read of the passing of Norman. This gentleman and scholar will be missed by all...
Terrified of rats
Editor; So glad to hear that something is being done (City to go rat hunting 3 times per month PM March 16). We...
Fire destroys fireworks factory in Saraburi
SARABURI, March 28 -- Fire enveloped a multi-building fireworks factory in Thailand’s central province of Saraburi about 100 km north of Bangkok on...
Aksorn schools celebrate kindergarten graduation
Although they’ve practically just begun their school lives, kindergarten students earned their first diplomas at the Aksorn Group of schools. The...
Regent’s Revue raises the roof of the Globe
Over 40 performers, including teachers and pupils, recently took part in two highly successful evenings of songs, drama sketches and dance performed on the...
De Vine Wine Club introduces McGuigan’s world-beater
The de Vine Wine Club at the Royal Cliff Beach Resort once again achieved the (almost) impossible, in bringing the ‘world’s best Semillon’ to...
Pattaya School No. 11 leads winners list at Yamaha Young...
Three groups of students from Pattaya School No. 11 took home trophies and scholarships by singing and dancing their way to top finishes at...