14th Thep Thong Award scheduled for outstanding broadcasters


BANGKOK, 12 April 2013  The Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters under the Royal Patronage has announced that a ceremony to present Thep Thong Award to outstanding individuals working in the broadcasting industry, radio and TV stations as well as supporting organizations will be held on April 23, 2013. 

The award presenting ceremony, the 14th of its kind, will be held at Saha Thai Samakhom Pavilion in the Grand Palace, with Privy Councilor Air Chief Marshal Kamthon Sinthawanond deputizing for His Majesty the King in presiding over the ceremony. The Thep Thong Award is granted annually to outstanding program producers, announcers, radio and TV stations, which have produced informative programs promoting national culture and traditions. The award is also aimed at raising the quality of radio and TV programs and roles of related personnel and organizations contributing to the betterment of the Thai society.

The 14th Thep Thong Award will be presented to 21 outstanding organizations, 23 television programs, 21 radio programs, and 21 individuals and groups of people who will be given honorary trophies for their roles in broadcasting.