2010 Political Protesters ordered to return all wartime weapons by July 30th


BANGKOK, 11 July 2014 – The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) has made two public announcements ordering the Royal Thai Police to enforce more stringent measures against gambling and those in possession of war weapons during the 2010 political protests.

Under its 93th announcement, the NCPO has ordered that all illegal slot machines seized by police are to be turned over to the state, including those seized prior to the May 22nd coup. The only exception to this case is if the slot machine owner can present credible evidence within 30 days after seizure that the machines were legally approved. Should they fail to do this, they would be subject to punishment under the Criminal Court.

Meanwhile, the NCPO has also released its 94th announcement aiming at members of the red-shirt group who engaged in the 2010 political protests. Possessors of firearms, bulletproof vests, and munitions are to return all these illegal items to the Army to avoid criminal prosecution. Anybody who refuses to give up these weapons will be subjected to legal action. The deadline for returning all these items is set for July 30th.