THAILAND EVENT: 50th Wien Tien Ceremony on Water at Phayao Lake from 24-26 February 2024
During 24-26 February, the boat trips to make merit and ‘wien tien’ is available daily from 8am to 8pm at the Pier of Wat Tilok Aram. Other activities at the event’s venues include cultural shows, fireworks display, music performances, and a local fair.
On the first day, activities at the Phayao Municipal Office’s Multipurpose Lawn include an alms-giving ritual (72 monks) at 7am, the opening ceremony at 5pm and the mini light-and-sound on the legends of Phayao Lake at 8pm.
You can find more information on the event’s official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/VientianePhayao (mostly in Thai)
Alternatively, you call the TAT Chiang Rai Office for more information. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tatchiangrai and Tel: 053-744674-5. (TAT)