70 employees at metal foundry in Kabin Buri found unaffected from radiation exposure

Dr. Suthep said health monitoring will continue for another three months and anyone who falls sick should see the doctor immediately while symptoms of Caesium contamination include vomiting, seizure and diarrhea.

Health checks conducted on 70 employees at a metal foundry have found no one has been affected or fallen ill from radiation exposure after the furnace dust contaminated with Caesium -137 was discovered there, according to a senior health official.

However, health monitoring will continue for another three months. Anyone who falls sick should see the doctor immediately, said Dr. Suthep Phetchmak, inspector-general of the Public Health Ministry.
Symptoms of Caesium contamination include vomiting, seizure and diarrhea.

The authorities have not confirmed whether Caesium-137 detected in dust particles at the smelting plant in Kabin Buri came from the radioactive cylinder, which disappeared from a power plant in the 304 Industrial Park in Si Maha Phot district earlier this month.

The dust was smelted in a closed system. The plant was closed and cordoned off. No leak has been detected, they said.
Random checks on radioactive contamination in the environment and food will be conducted. (TNA)