ABAC Poll: Students want friendly teachers


BANGKOK, 30 April 2011  – Students prefer teachers who possess good human relationship with their students and have no discrimination, according to a recent survey by Assumption University Research Center (ABAC Poll). 

Director of the Academic Network for Community Happiness Observation and Research, Assumption University, Dr Noppadon Kannikar reported the survey were conducted with 3,284 children and youth aged between 7 and 20 in Bangkok and other major cities across the country. The respondents were asked about their experience with teachers in each subject and to pick out their five most favorites.

The result showed 25.8% of the respondents preferred mathematics teachers, followed by Thai language teachers 19.5%, science teachers12.4%, English teachers 9.9% and social science teachers 8.2%.

Some of the respondents indicated that they had bad experience with teachers who were unfriendly, bad-tempered and unable to control their emotions. Dr Noppadon stated that teachers who were unfriendly and showed threatening attitudes were found affecting students’ desire to learn and intellectual development.

The respondents also said they found some teachers showed bad examples for students such as drinking alcohol, smoking or gambling. The respondents rated those teachers as worse than those who could not teach well or lack proper knowledge.

The poll director suggested that teachers should reform their relations with students and turn their class into sessions to share and learn together in order to reduce discrepancy in class. They should respect students’ identity in order to bring out their intellectual creativity.