Academics ask for more freedom of expression


BANGKOK, 29 March 2012 – A group of academics and journalists claimed that the Thai society limits freedom of expressions, asking for the public to be more open to different opinions. 

Five institutions; namely Thammasat University, Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI), King Prajadhipok’s Institute (KPI), Chulalongkorn University Social Research Institute, and Thai Journalists Association (TJA); held a seminar on opening up more space for freedom of opinions in the Thai society.

Sanya Dharmasakti Institute for Democracy Director Thirayuth Boonmi said that the Thai society should accept differences in opinions.

Meanwhile, Gothom Arya, Director of the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies at Mahidol University said people always see things differently; event the truth is interpreted differently. He said freedom has been limited by the society, adding that even the Constitution limits the freedom.

The TJA said journalists in Thailand have been fighting for press freedom for a long time to no avail. All of the five institutions at the seminar are asking the general public to accept the freedom of expressions and other academics with different views to come out and express their views.