Academics say current conflicts stem from the nation’s constitution


BANGKOK, 12 December 2013 Political Science faculty members have stated that the current conflicts in the country stem from the nation’s constitution. 

According to Dean of Chulalongkorn’s Political Science Department Nunthawath Baromanun, many of the conflicts stem from the state’s unclear application of law, particularly the multiple amendments it proposed to make to the nation’s constitution – with the amnesty bill causing much discordance.

Mr. Pornsan liangboonlert of Chulalongkorn University expressed his opinion that current conflicts stemmed from a number of reasons such as drafters of the constitution did not properly draft it in line with the actual theory, organizations abusing power under the constituion, and mistakes made during the drafting of the constitution.

Ms. Siripan Noksuan Sawasdee of Chulalongkorn University pointed out economic disparity in the nation as the root cause of the conflcts, where as Mr. Bundit Chanrojanakit of Ramkhamhaeng University blamed it on the unstable political structure of the Thai society and political parties abusing the constitution.