Agriculture Ministry runs eight measures to fight drought


BANGKOK – The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC) is driving an eight measure drought relief plan, assuring that water reserves are sufficient for consumption. 

The MOAC Spokesman Teerapat Prayurasiddhi has said regarding the current drought situation that the MOAC is implementing 8 drought relief measures to help all affected individuals.

The measures include the manufacturing materials support to cut household spendings, loan payback deadline extension, employment campaigns, occupational training courses, improvement of water usage efficiency, an enhanced water supply system, and other supporting projects.

Presently, water reserves at 488 medium to big reservoirs across the country are at 32 percent with the total volume recorded at 4 key dams is at 3.3 billion cubic meters. The MOAC spokesman believes authorities have enough supply of water for the general public’s demand of water for consumption during the drought.