‘Amazing Thailand Safety and Health Administration: SHA’ certificate for hotel in Bangkok

Mr. Khemmapol Auitayakul (left), Secretary to the Minister of Tourism and Sports presented the SHA certificate to Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel.
Mr. Khemmapol Auitayakul (left), Secretary to the Minister of Tourism and Sports presented the SHA certificate to Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel.

Bangkok– The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is pleased to announce that the Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel has been awarded the ‘Amazing Thailand Safety and Health Administration: SHA’ certificate.

Mr. Khemmapol Auitayakul, Secretary to the Minister of Tourism and Sports on Wednesday, 27 May, 2020, paid a visit to the hotel to present the certificate as well as inspect its safety and health measures.

Being awarded with the Amazing Thailand SHA certificate means that the Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel has undergone a strict inspection and has been assigned the SHA logo as a mark of quality certification of its service standards. The SHA logo has a validity period of two years.