AMLO issues statement on Prawit’s false sound clip


Bangkok – An announcement has been made by Acting Secretary-General of the Anti-Money Laundering Office regarding the complaint about the misappropriation of the identity of Deputy Prime Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwan to blackmail a car rental businessman in Hua Hin.

Pol Maj Gen Preecha Charoensahayanon, the acting secretary-general of the Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO), recently announced that after an examination of the sound clip that was the main evidence, the voice has been identified as that of an AMLO government official of the operational level in the section of Affairs Division 1, not a director.

The examination revealed that the officer was actually guilty, so it was ordered that he be removed from his position and an investigation committee for major offences has been appointed. It is believed that this occurrence does not affect the morale of AMLO officers in respect to their performance.

Meanwhile, Peerapat Ingpongpan, the Director of Legal Affairs Division 1, AMLO, noted that he had seen the official document in question and admitted that it looks like his signature but he insisted that it is not, and that he is not connected to the offence. He also notes that AMLO has operational standards. There are no loopholes allowing corruption.

Pol Maj Gen Surachet Hakpan, as the Assistant Spokesman for the Deputy Prime Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwan, has expressed the belief that it is good that such occurrences are reported because then an examination is conducted to ensure transparency, but if the offence is false, justice must also be rendered to the victim of the misappropriation.