APEC Health Week meetings ongoing in Bangkok

Public Health Ministry Permanent Secretary Kiatiphum Wongrajit asserted the meetings will generate awareness about economic and health rehabilitation across the APEC region.

APEC Health Week meetings are taking place in Bangkok this week, with public health ministers from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation economies in attendance. The health ministers are engaging in talks under the theme “Open to Partnership. Connect with the World. Balance Health and the Economy”.

Public Health Ministry Permanent Secretary Kiatiphum Wongrajit asserted the meetings will generate awareness about economic and health rehabilitation across the APEC region. Discussions about post-pandemic rehabilitation efforts apply to the aspects of health, economy, and innovations for the future global health system.

Dr. Kiatiphum disclosed Thailand will be presenting the matter of improving health security, especially by means of making health-related investments. Said investments include those Thailand made for its “medical hub” and “service hub” drives.

APEC Health Week participants will also discuss member economies’ health master plans, with an aim of reaching a joint agreement on health security.

Dr. Kiatiphum revealed Thailand will forward its agenda for a regional public health center serving the ASEAN area. Talks on the center, which will be set up at Thailand’s Department of Disease Control, have been discussed among ASEAN countries. The center will focus on preventing emerging diseases, international communicable diseases control, and measures for disease prevention at the ASEAN level. (NNT)

Discussions about post-pandemic rehabilitation efforts apply to the aspects of health, economy, and innovations for the future global health system.

Dr. Kiatiphum disclosed Thailand will be presenting the matter of improving health security, especially by means of making health-related investments.