Armed conflict along Myanmar border endangers Thai lives

Thailand calls on all parties involved to seek peace as soon as possible through negotiations while the authorities have been coordinating with residents in Tak province to provide assistance to Myanmar people who fled from the fighting.

Thailand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson and Director-General of the Department of Information, Mr. Tanee Sangrat, said skirmishes on the Thai-Myanmar border in Tak province are endangering Thai residents living near the conflict area.

Thailand calls on all parties involved to seek peace as soon as possible through negotiations. Thai authorities have been coordinating with residents in Tak province to provide assistance to Myanmar people who fled from the fighting.

Thailand also supports the efforts being made by Brunei and Cambodia to help Myanmar resolve the crisis, Mr. Tanee said.

Meanwhile, according to Naresuan Task Force Chief Major General Prasan Saengsirisak, the Thai army has not been coordinating with troops in Myanmar or asking them to leave the border where conflicts have been ongoing between the Myanmar government force and a local minority group.

However, Thai authorities have warned the Tatmadaw, the Myanmar armed forces, about the use of weaponry to make sure these clashes do not cross into the Thai territory, Major General Prasan added. (NNT)

Tanee said skirmishes on the Thai-Myanmar border in Tak province are endangering Thai residents living near the conflict area.