Army; UDD Community Radio protesters will be held responsible incidents NACC


BANGKOK, 28 Mar 2014,  The Army has warned United front for Democracy against Dictatorship Community Radio that it will be held responsible for any incident occurring during their gathering at the office of the National Anti Corruption Commission.

The comment came after the protesters demolished bunkers and chased military officers away from the rally site on Wednesday. Col. Winthai Suwaree, Deputy Spokesman of the Army, condemned the action, calling it inappropriate, while saying the officials on site were instructed to avoid confrontation and refrain from exhibiting any sign of retaliation.

According to Col. Winthai, the bunkers were erected with an aim to provide safety at the premises, as the area was prone to armed attacks. If the UDD protesters insist on leaving the area free of authority, the group will have to take responsibility for possible attacks that may occur in the future