Astrologer at Royal Ploughing Ceremony predicts more water this year


he astrologer predicted during the royal ploughing ceremony earlier today that there will be more water in Thailand this year.

The forecast was made after the astrologer picked up four pieces of cloth presented to him and studied them. He revealed that farms situated on higher grounds will benefit from a large amount of rain this year.

BANGKOK, 13 May 2015 – The astrologer predicted during the royal ploughing ceremony earlier today that there will be more water in Thailand this year.

The forecast was made after the astrologer picked up four pieces of cloth presented to him and studied them. He revealed that farms situated on higher grounds will benefit from a large amount of rain this year.

However, he added that those in the low-lying areas could be damaged by the floods.

The oxen have chosen to eat only sesame and grass during the ceremony, which was presented alongside five other items including rice, corns, green beans, water and liquor.

The oxen’s selection was interpreted as water and food becoming abundant in Thailand this year.