Bangkok warns citizens against drinking salty tap water caused by seawater intrusion

The high tide on Monday raised the level of chloride to more than 250 milligrams per liter of water and consumers could sense the salty taste of tap water and it could be unsafe for consumption especially among young children, elderly people and small pets for the time being.

BANGKOK – The Metropolitan Waterworks Authority advised people in eastern Bangkok not to drink tap water because saltwater intrusion raised its salinity.

The MWA reported that a high tide on Monday raised the level of chloride to more than 250 milligrams per liter of water and consumers could sense the salty taste of tap water. It warned against tap water consumption especially among young children, elderly people and small pets for the time being.

Except for drinking, tap water could still be used for other purposes.

The MWA said that drought and saltwater intrusion changed the taste of tap water in Bangkok’s eastern part of the Chao Phraya River especially during high tides. However, tap water still meets the standard of the World Health Organization. (TNA)