Bank of Ayuthaya to increase lending to SMEs


BANGKOK,(NNT) – Bank of Ayudhya is aiming to increase its loans by 6.8 percent, following the government’s agenda of supporting SMEs to gain more access to capital.

Thailand News 30-03-17 NNT 3 Bank of Ayuthaya to increase lending to SMEs 1JPG

President of Bank of Ayudhya’s SME division Siam Prasithsirikul said the bank aims to increase loans by 6.8 percent from approximately 153 billion baht last year to over 164 billion baht.

In addition to supporting SMEs according to government policies, Bank of Ayudhya will also unveil a national e-payment system, offering PromptPay services to businesses and unlimited free transactions for SMEs.

The bank has expressed its commitment to working with all sectors for the country’s economic growth.