Bar-fighting Frenchman returns to hotel to attack couple with machete


A drunken Frenchman fresh off a bar fight tried to attack a Thai-British couple with a machete.

Salim Azzoe, 19, was arrested while hacking the door of a guest at the Prima Place Apartments on Third Road around 5 a.m. Jan. 11.

Salim Azzoe was arrested while hacking the door of a guest at an apartment building on Third Road. Salim Azzoe was arrested while hacking the door of a guest at an apartment building on Third Road.

Assanee Noomor, 25, told police she was returning to the hotel with her British boyfriend, Mark Lockett, and rode to the sixth floor in the elevator with Azzoe. She said Frenchman was glaring at the couple and after Lockett moved to shield her from his stares, an argument broke out.

Upon exiting the elevator, Azzoe reappeared and chased them waving a 2-foot-long knife, she claimed.

Azzoe told police he’d been out drinking and had gotten into a fistfight with some tourists. When he got in the elevator with the couple, he said he was angered that they were staring at his bloody nose and bruises and so he grabbed the machete from his room to attack them.

The Frenchman was charged with assault and destruction of property.