Basuki officially appointed as Jakarta governor


Jakarta, Nov 15 – Jakartas Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) has officially announced the appointment of Acting Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama as Jakarta Governor.

“The chairman of Jakartas Regional Legislative Council has officially announced and proposed to the President through the Home Affairs Minister the appointment of Acting Jakarta Governor as Jakarta Governor,” Jakartas DPRD chairman Prasetyo Edi Marsudi stated here on Friday.

According to him, a special plenary meeting was held to follow up on the letter of recommendation to the Home Affairs Minister besides a meeting with the leaders of all factions on Thursday (November 13).

“After the plenary meeting, the proposed letter was sent to the President through the Ministry of Home Affairs. We sent the letter the same day so the inauguration could be held at the earliest,” Prasetyo said.

However, Prasetyo did not know when Basuki Tjahaja Purnama would be inaugurated, as the authority to take a decision on the matter rests with President Joko Widodo.

“Moreover, the President has been carrying out the state duties from abroad. So, we will wait for the Presidents decision before passing any instruction to the Home Affairs Ministry,” Prasetyo noted.

From a total of 102 members, only 42 attended the special plenary meeting that lasted only 10 minutes.

Besides them, four DPRD deputy chairmen, namely M Taufik of Gerindra, Triwisaksana of PKS, Abraham Lunggana of PPP, and Ferrial Sofyan of the Democrat Party, also skipped the meeting.

“It is okay, no problem. We just officially announced the appointment of Basuki as Governor of Jakarta. Everything is carried in accordance with the directives from the Home Ministry,” he emphasized.