Bike for Mom t-shirt and pin collection runs smoothly during weekend


BANGKOK, 26 July 2015 – The collection of commemorative t-shirts and royal pins for the “Bike for Mom” participants at the Royal Thai Army Stadium during this weekend ran smoothly without a need for road blocking as earlier planned.

Gen Pisit Sitthisarn, chairman of the “Bike for Mom” rally organizing subcommittee, revealed that people needed to queue up twice, first for their registration and verification and the second time in the afternoon for collecting the souvenirs. The 40,000 participants each received a set of t-shirt and pin. Fifteen thousand participants reportedly picked up their souvenirs on Saturday, and the rest did so today.

Registered cyclists from different parts of Bangkok coming to the Royal Thai Army Stadium said that they were so proud to be part of the rally. Some of them meant to join the event as it was held only once a year; others felt the same although they could not get a t-shirt.

There were also a wide range of sideline activities available for cyclists such as exhibitions in honor of the Queen and free health checks.

Vibhavadi Rangsit Road was not blocked as planned earlier. Police were deployed along the road from the Veterans General Hospital to Sutthisan Intersection to manage traffic flow during the event and they did it well.