BMTA to inspect private bus companies following passengers’ complaints


BANGKOK, 31 May 2015 – Regulators from the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) have launched random inspections of private bus companies in the capital city, following complaints of poor services of some private buses.

Regulators focused their inspection on bus conditions and qualifications of drivers and fare collectors. The move was to follow up on passengers’ complaints of inappropriate behavior of private bus drivers and fare collectors, which included verbal abuse, chasing away of passengers, and intoxicated while on duty.

The Department of Land Transport, meanwhile, said any bus drivers found behaving badly would first be given a warning and ordered to attend traffic rules and etiquette training, while their misconducts would be recorded. Those found to have committed the same mistake again will get their driver’s licenses revoked permanently.

The department added that it had also planned to beef up the terms and conditions as well as tests for those wishing to obtain or renew public bus driver’s licenses to solve the problems more effectively.