BTS Skytrain management says station structures able to support protesters


BANGKOK, Nov 11 – Officials of Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS) this morning asserted that its Skytrain stations are strong enough to support whatever number of protesters crowded onto its walkways, platforms and stairs.

BTS President Anat Arbhabhirama said the systems structures are strong enough to hold crowds in mass gatherings for varied activities.

He spoke following expressed concerns and warnings by architects worried by the possible effect of too many people at BTS stations.

Four at risk points on Skytrain stations, as warned by architects, are ticket offices, skywalks and walkways, staircase rails and escalators.

However, the BTS president said all four categories of the system’s structures are safe.

Ticket offices were designed with the capacity like theatres to carry as many as 600 kg/sqm, while skywalks and walkways linking stations can carry 400 kg/sqm following standards set by the Bangkok Municipality. Staircase rails are sufficiently safe and escalators will be closed for service in case of a very large crowd, for they cannot support that much weight.