Buriram still rabies epidemic zone but no infection found in humans


BURIRAM,(NNT) – Buriram province has been working to address a spread of rabies after being declared an epidemic zone in all of its districts two years ago but has confirmed that there has been no case of infection in humans.

Thailand News 13-03-17 NNT 5 Buriram still rabies epidemic zone but no infection found in humans 1JPG

Buriram Provincial Governor, Anusorn Kaewkangwan said that the rabies epidemic in all 23 districts of Buriram was declared two years ago and still remains in effect.

Samples from dogs, cats, and buffaloes were found infected with rabies in all 77 samples sent for lab tests.

The declaration of an epidemic zone authorized the province to manage the budget for procurement of vaccines or other equipment to control the spread of virus.

The Buriram provincial governor suggested the general public, specifically the owners of pet dogs and cats, take care of themselves by monitoring the behavior of their pets which may gone savage, and avoid being bitten, scratched, or licked by animals, as well as stopping their pets from walking away from the house as it might increase the risk of acquiring the virus from other animals.