Cabinet approves 340 billion loan for water management infrastructure


BANGKOK, 19 June 2013– The Cabinet has approved the plan to borrow 340 billion baht for the implementation of sustainable water management project, and endorsed the toning down of price quotations between the government and the private companies that will be handling the construction work. 

According to Plodprasop Suraswadi, chairman of the committee for managing water and floods, the committee has selected 4 companies to develop the 9 modules in the water management mega-project. After negotiations, the companies agreed to reduce their price quotes by 6.1 billion baht. Contracts for the construction of each of the 9 modules will now be made with the four companies.

Mr. Plodprasop asserts that the contracts will now be drafted, then signed. The consultancy bodies for the projects will be selected simultaneously with the selection of supervision committees of each module. Environmental impact assessments will then be conducted.