Cabinet extends welfare card measures, approves projects in upper north

Puttipong Punnakanta - acting spokesperson for the Prime Minister’s Office.

Chiang Mai – The Cabinet has extended the second phase of its welfare measures by another six months along with eight urgent programs in the upper northern region.

Acting Spokesperson for the Prime Minister’s Office Puttipong Punnakanta reports that the Cabinet meeting on economic and social development of Upper Northern Region 1 reviewed eight urgent projects, including maintenance work for Highway No. 11, expansion of the northern intersection bridge and the construction of a Truck Terminal in Chiang Mai.

The meeting also agreed to extend the second phase of measures designed to improve the lives of welfare card holders by another six months until June of this year. Card holders earning less than 30,000 baht per month will receive 200 baht per person per month while those earning more but under 100,000 baht will receive 100 baht per month. The extension will require 4.37 billion baht from the Grassroots Economy Pracharat Fund.

Monthly transfers to the welfare cards will also be changed with those entitled to 200 baht per month to receive 300 month placed in their cards each month, while those entitled to 100 baht to see 200 baht. The funds are for use in Blue Flag stores.