Cabinet reshuffle is due: Suan Dusit Poll


BANGKOK, Dec 18 – Most poll respondents said it was time for a cabinet reshuffle with most of them wanting to see a change in the Interior Ministry, according to the latest Suan Dusit Poll.

The survey was conducted among 1,827 people in Bangkok and surrounding provinces from December 13-17.

Most of respondents of the poll said it was time for the cabinet reshuffle because they saw no clear results from the government’s performance with the performance of some ministers particularly underwhelming.

A minority, or 19.59 percent, viewed that it was too soon for a cabinet reshuffle because the government has been working to tackle the flood crisis after it took power and has yet to do other work as stated in its elected policies.

The highest number of respondents, or 29.23 percent, thought that the interior minister should be changed, followed by the minister of agriculture and cooperatives at 20.12 percent.

Asked if a cabinet reshuffle will help stabilise the government, most respondents, or 57.89 percent, said they were not sure, while 34.64 percent believed it will make the government more stable.

A plurality of 42.59 percent said only some ministers should be removed while 36.56 percent said all ministers should be changed.

Most of the people surveyed or 44.91 per cent said the cabinet reshuffle should be done in mid January while 29.47 percent said that it should wait until six months after Ms Yingluck’s government took office in August 2011.