Cabinet supports ASEAN cooperation on environmental protection


BANGKOK, 25 September 2012 – The Cabinet has given the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment a nod to sign a draft agreement related to ASEAN cooperation on environmental protection. 

According to Deputy Government Spokesman Chalitrat Chandrubeksa, Thailand is expected to follow through on its commitment to the United Nations in which member states have agreed to try to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 and bring the results of the UN conference on sustainable development to fruition.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has proposed to the Cabinet, in this regard, to allow for the signing of a draft regional agreement called the ‘Bangkok Resolution on ASEAN Environmental Cooperation’.

As a result, the Cabinet gave approval to the matter and the agreement will be signed by environment ministers from the 10 ASEAN nations during the 12th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment, held in Bangkok from September 25-26.

Mr. Chalitrat said the regional cooperation will help reduce environmental issues, such as transboundary haze, global warming and biodiversity loss, while promoting reforestation and sustainable water resources management.