Cabinet to consider law against financing of terrorism


BANGKOK, 17 March 2015 — The cabinet is expected to be briefed on the haze situation and consider adopting a new law that would prohibit terrorist financing.

The cabinet will consider several important draft laws today. They include legislations against terrorist financing and money laundering and other laws regarding advance buying of farm products, the improvement of organizational structure of various ministries and waste management of discarded electronic appliances.

The Ministry of Tourism and Sports will ask the cabinet for permission to host the Deaf Futsal World Cup 2015. The cabinet will also determine funding policies for public service obligations and a cost of living reduction program.

The cabinet will be reported on the haze crisis in the North of Thailand particularly in Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, Lampang and Phayao. It will later look into drought crisis prevention measures which consist of delivering water to affected areas and identifying new water sources.