CDC gearing up to receive input from all sides before writing 2nd draft


BANGKOK, 26 May 2015 – The Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) will start the process of reviewing all amendment proposals on June 8, as it proceeds to piece together the second draft of Thailand’s new constitution.

CDC Spokesperson General Lertrat Ratanavanich revealed that the National Reform Council (NRC) will be invited to present their amendment proposals between June 2-5. The five-day session will allocate three hours to each proposal topic and 3-5 members will be allowed to speak per topic.

Afterwards, the Cabinet will be invited on June 6 to make its proposals under the same parameters.

The CDC will also take into consideration proposals submitted by political groups and the National Legislative Assembly. However, these proposals will be reviewed as written, and not presented by members of either party.

After all proposals have been gathered, Gen Lertrat said the current timeframe will give the CDC 40 days to review and make necessary adjustments to formulate the second draft. However, the Cabinet has been considering a 30-day extension, under which the committee will submit the second draft to the NRC on August 21. A vote will be held by the reform body on September 4 to approve of the charter.

If there will be a public referendum on the new constitution, the public will be given 120 days to study the charter from the day it is approved by the NRC.