CDC makes Article 75 basis for ethics expected of political office holders


BANGKOK, 25 February 2015 – The Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) is making Article 75 in the new charter the basis for ethics expected of politicians and leaders within the state sector.

CDC member Pakorn Priyakorn spoke to reporters after Monday’s assembly for deliberation of the new permanent constitution, which centered on the topic of ‘good political leaders’ and ‘political institutions’. Mr. Pakorn said of Article 75, that it stipulated the standard of ethics that must be observed by political office holders and other leaders within the state sector. The article also observed the ethics code provided by the national assembly for virtues. According to Mr. Pakorn, the article included stipulations on the separation of personal affairs from official duties, and the placing of the benefit of the whole above personal gains or the benefit of any particular group.

Mr. Pakorn said the article was written in accord with the input of the public.