CDC spokesperson hints at referendum after Constitution drafted


BANGKOK, Nov 6 — Thailand’s Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) will study 19 old Constitutions and may ask the ruling National Council for Peace and Order (NPOC) to hold a referendum if the new Constitution draft triggers different responses.

Committee spokesman Gen Lertrat Ratanawanit made his remarks today before attending the first CDC meeting at Parliament.

He said if the Constitution draft drew different responses or opposition, the Committee might ask the National Council for Peace and Order to hold a referendum.

Gen Lertrat said the committee was to select members for particular tasks and form three sub-committees that would sound out public opinion in the field.

He commented that the 1997 Constitution gave too much power to the government and the 2007 constitution cut the power so much that the government was unstable and faced problems from political rallies.

The general said the CDC would find a balance in drafting the new Constitution.

He said that the three sub-committees would spend 1-2 months gathering public opinion and then discuss details of the Constitutional drafting with representatives of political parties.