CDC’s vice chairman confident resignation of Thicha Na Nakorn poses no impact on any work


BANGKOK, 2 March 2015 – A vice chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee is confident that the resignation of one of the committee members will not affect the works of the charter drafters.

CDC’s Vice Chairman Suchit Bunbongkarn said the resignation of Thicha Na Nakhon, aCDC member and a member of the National Reform Council on education, will have no impact on what the charter drafters have been doing.

Mr. Suchit said that Mrs. Thicha’s knowledge and capabilities were valuable assets to the CDC, adding that her reasons for resignation must be personal issues that needed to be respected.

While denying any knowledge about the identity of the person who will replace Mrs. Thicha, he said that the CDC will have to continue its works.

According to Mr. Suchit, the charter drafters will have a meeting on March 5 and 6 to review each article in order to make sure that it is in line with the intent of the Constitution drafting process.