Chantaburi cathedral to hold Sweet Christmas 2018


Chantaburi – The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception has announced it will be holding “Sweet Christmas @ Chantaburi 2018” on December 22-24.

Head of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Father Songwuthi Prateepsukjit alongside Deputy Governor of Chantaburi Pongpat Wongtrakul and Director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand’s Chantaburi Office Pranee Chunnopparat announced the event, saying it will be the cutest Christmas celebration in Thailand.

The cathedral is located in Chantaburi’s over 300 year old Christian Vietnamese community and has organized celebrations for the past six years. This year’s display is to be different from previous years and will include a fireworks show.

Activities will include a bridge of stars, a manger and a raffle. It is hoped the festival will promote the true meaning of Christmas and its spirit of giving and love.

Head of the Chantaburi Tourism Promotion Association Wanicha Wattanapong pointed out that the annual event has grown beyond its community and now attracts visitors from across the nation. More people are expected to attend the festival this year. Booths showcasing the local culture and other services will also be available during the celebration.