Chiang Mai locals protest halal industrial estate project


CHIANG MAI, 9 April 2015  – More than a thousand villagers from Doi Lo district of Chiang Mai province have staged a protest against the planned construction of a halal industrial estate in their area, citing its impact on local agriculture.

Chiang Mai Governor Suriya Prasatbandit traveled to the Doi Lo District Office in order to accept a letter from Doi Lo residents concerning their disapproval of the project to establish a halal industrial estate on an 800-rai plot of land in the district. Over 1,500 people reportedly joined the demonstration on fear that such a project would bring about changes that would affect their way of life.

The letter claimed that no surveys have ever been conducted by the project supervisors on the locals’ opinions regarding the project while there are also attempts to convert Doi Lo from an agricultural to an industrial zone. As most of the residents are agriculturists, water is a much-needed resource in the area. Should the industrial estate be set up, the local farmers doubt how much water would have to be used for industrial purposes and whether the remaining supply would suffice their need.

On this occasion, Mr Suriya clarified to the protesters that the halal industrial estate would open up a large number of job opportunities for the locals. Moreover, it could establish Doi Lo as a hub for halal food, thus generating more income for Chiang Mai province and the northern region as a whole.

Nonetheless, the Governor insisted that the project is now in the early stage, with location surveys still being carried out. He affirmed the letter of objection from residents will be passed on to concerned agencies, believing it could potentially lead to the cancellation of the project.