Chiang Mai locals warned against consuming toxic mushroom


CHIANG MAI, 10 August 2015 – Chiang Mai public health units have warned locals to refrain from collecting wild mushrooms as some varieties of the fungus can be fatally poisonous.

During the rainy season, different types of mushrooms flourish and grow in the forest. Mushroom gathering has become a part-time occupation for many northern residents. However, toxic mushrooms can have similar appearances to edible mushrooms and have killed hundreds in the past years.

Last week, four Chiang Mai residents had ingested poisonous mushrooms and were rushed to the hospital where doctors were able to treat them in time. In 2014, three members of a family consumed a deadly variety of mushroom called hed rangok or death cap. The mother and daughter died while the father went into a coma.

The local health office has warned the public against consuming unknown mushrooms during this season. In the event that a wild mushroom has been ingested, the consumer is advised to induce vomiting as quickly as they can before seeking medical help.