Chiang Mai overcomes fear of new Covid-19 cases, public confidence restored

Vendors at Siri Watthana Market said the report of new cases in Chiang Mai, initially scared off customers causing daily revenue to drop by 80% percent on the day but now customers have returned to visit the market as usual and sales have recovered by 30-40%.

As new cases of COVID-19 emerge, including in Chiang Mai province, a Deputy Minister of Public Health visited the province to reassure the general public of their health and safety as New Year holidays are around the corner.

Deputy Minister of Public Health Satit Pitutacha has visited Siri Watthana Market in Chiang Mai city, where he greeted the vendors and handed out face masks.

A vendor said the report of new cases in Chiang Mai, initially scared off customers, who have now returned to visit the market as usual. A Thai food vendor said her daily revenue dropped by 80% percent on the day after new cases were reported, but her sales have since recovered by 30-40%.

Deputy Minister of Public Health Satit Pitutacha (center) has visited Siri Watthana Market in Chiang Mai city, where he greeted the vendors and handed out face masks.

Siri Watthana Market is now implementing COVID-19 prevention measures, with all persons from customers to vendors required to wear a face covering when inside the market.

New COVID-19 cases have been reported in Chiang Mai recently. The Director of Nakornping Hospital Dr Worachet Teacharak said the hospital has successfully treated five patients who have now recovered.

A 29-year old woman patient who has reached the 14th day since starting treatment, will be sent for a 14-day quarantine at Chiang Mai Territorial Defense Volunteer Corps, which is a designated quarantine facility in the province.

Other patients will be following suit once they reach the 14th day. They may be allowed to self-isolate at home for 14 days instead, if deemed capable. (NNT)