Chiang Mai reports 31,788 patients suffering from air pollution-related illnesses

According to the Chiang Mai provincial public health office, 31,788 patients are suffering from air pollution-related illnesses from January to March 5 this year.

Chiang Mai was ranked as having the worst air quality in the world for 3 consecutive days on Tuesday morning.

At 11am, Chiang Mai topped the list of most polluted cities in the world on the Air Visual website, with its air quality index coming in at the very unhealthy level of 225 points.

According to the Chiang Mai provincial public health office, 31,788 patients are suffering from air pollution-related illnesses from January to March 5 this year.

Comments from concerned people posted in NNT Facebook page:
‘Common Bangkok! We can do better than that! Hold my beer’…
‘Every year the same and nothing done about it.’…
‘These forest fires must be stopped and the air will be much more breathable and less dangerous for health my son left his house for 2 months he was bleeding from his nose every day’…
‘And still those factories where polluted air coming from have been continuously operating’…