Children over 3 years old might be given COVID-19 vaccine in Thailand

Mr. Paisarn said Biogenetech Company, the TFDA-approved importers of Sinopharm, submitted a proposal to extend the age range for those who can receive the Sinopharm jabs, from 18 and over to 3 and over.

Thailand’s Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) announced on Wednesday that children aged three years and above might be able to receive the COVID-19 vaccination.

TFDA secretary general Paisarn Dankum said Biogenetech Company, the TFDA-approved importers of Sinopharm, submitted a proposal to extend the age range for those who can receive the Sinopharm jabs, from 18 and over to 3 and over.

He said the TFDA is having the committee consider the proposal and will make a decision in less than 30 days. The vaccine formula would be the same as the one which the TFDA has already approved. Currently, there are two vaccines that can be given to minors aged 12 and above in Thailand, Pfizer and Moderna.

Meanwhile, the Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO) is also following up and asking for supporting documents from the manufacturer of Sinovac for jabs for three-year-olds and older. (NNT)