China and India donate medical supplies to Thailand

Deputy Minister of Public Health Satit Pitutacha has led MOPH officials to receive 300 oxygen concentrators donated by the Indian government, via the Ambassador of India to Thailand, Suchitra Durai.

The Ministry of Public Health has received medical supplies donated by government agencies and private firms in China and India to help Thailand fight the COVID-19 pandemic. This equipment will be distributed to COVID-19 treatment facilities across the country.

Deputy Permanent Secretary of Public Health, Dr Narong Saiwong accompanied officials from the Ministry of Public Health to receive medical supplies donated by Chinese private firms to support Thailand’s response to COVID-19.

The donated supplies include 400 hand-operated thermometers, 400 sets of personal protective equipment, and 40,000 medical masks.

Dr Narong expressed his gratitude for the help from the Chinese private sector, saying the donated supplies are greatly beneficial in the treatment of COVID-19 patients.

Dr Narong accompanied officials from the Ministry of Public Health to receive medical supplies donated by Chinese private firms to support Thailand’s response to COVID-19.

He said the supplies will be sent to Bussarakham Field Hospital for COVID-19 patients, according to the wishes of the donor, as well as other healthcare facilities in the country.

In another event, Deputy Minister of Public Health Satit Pitutacha has led MOPH officials to receive 300 oxygen concentrators donated by the Indian government, via the Ambassador of India to Thailand, Suchitra Durai.

Mr Satit has expressed his appreciation of the long-lasting relations between the governments of Thailand and India.

100 of the donated oxygen concentrators have been delivered to Bussarakham Field Hospital for COVID-19 patients, while the other 200 will be distributed to COVID-19 treatment facilities under the supervision of the Department of Medical Services, including partner service units and isolation centers in Bangkok and neighboring provinces. (NNT)