City council will probe spending on renovation of top officials’ offices


The City Council will investigate a report that the city administration has spent about 16 million baht in the renovation of the offices of Governor M.R. Sukhumbhand Paribatra and other top administrators.

It was also reported that renovation work had started even before a bid was called to choose the constructor.

09-06-16 PBS-2

Mr Nirun Praditthakul, in his capacity as chairman of the City Council’s public works and planning committee, said Wednesday that he had recently sought information from the public works office on three issues: Was the dispensing of budget in accordance with budgetary regulations? Was the renovation work completed? Was the renovation for each office proper?

An informed source, meanwhile, said that certain city officials were responsible for proposing the renovation without the prior knowledge of the top administrators.

When asked by reporters about renovation controversy, not a single city official was willing to offer any information.

Earlier, Bangkok Governor M.R. Sukhumbhand said that the renovation work concerns offices of top administrators, including his office.

Auditor-General Phisit Leelawachiropat, meanwhile, said the OAG would coordinate with officials of the public works office to find out the truth about the controversy.