City offers free rabies shots, pet sterilizations


Pattaya officials offered free rabies vaccinations and sterilizations for pets during a mobile-service stop at Pattaya School. No. 2 on Thursday, Feb. 17.

The growing number of abandoned animals is fueling a resurgence in rabies cases being reported.  Public health officials are urging pet owners to get injections to prevent the further spread of the disease.

Public veterinary officials inoculate pets against the rabies disease at the Pattaya School. No. 2 on Thursday, Feb. 17.Public veterinary officials inoculate pets against the rabies disease at the Pattaya School. No. 2 on Thursday, Feb. 17.

While not quite as simple as vaccinations, sterilizations were also offered to animal owners.  Pets were first put to sleep before receiving the birth-control injections.